How to Install a Dry Fire Hydrant

In rural areas where municipal water systems are not available, dry hydrants are used to supply water for firefighting. A dry hydrant is analogous to a standpipe. Dry hydrants are usually an unpressurized, permanently installed pipe with one end below the water level of a lake or pond. This end usually has a strainer to prevent debris from entering the pipe. The dry hydrant, located above ground, has a hard sleeve connector. When needed, a pumper fire engine will pull water from the nearby lake or pond. This is done by vacuuming the air out of the dry hydrant and utilizing the fire engine pump with a primer. Because lower air pressure now exists at the pump intake, atmospheric pressure on the water and the weight of the water forces water into the part of the dry hydrant above land. This water can then be pumped by the engine's centrifugal pump.

Common 45° Dry Hydrant Installation

  • 45° Dry Hydrant
  • 6" Strainer
  • Strainer Support
  • Dry Hydrant Sign
45 Degree Dry Hydrant

Common 90° Dry Hydrant Installation

  • 90° Dry Hydrant
  • 6" Strainer
  • Strainer Support
  • Dry Hydrant Sign
90 Degree Dry Fire Hydrant